Lamarr Smith
Administrative Assistant
30 years
How did you become involved in the Milken Family Foundation?
I became involved with the Milken Family Foundation through a mutual friend, Robin Leach, who introduced me to Joni [Milken-Noah] in the early ’90s.
Describe your most memorable moments working with Mike's Math Club.
There are too many to mention! One of my most memorable moments is going to New York and taking the kids on a field trip. We had dinner and walked to Macy’s down 5th Avenue in the winter. Each student also got to purchase one gift!
Lifelong connections are powerful at the Milken Family Foundation. How has Mike’s Math Club and the Milken Family Foundation impacted educators and students?
I can honestly say I’m so fortunate to work for Mike’s Math Club and its connections with the Milken Educator Awards and Milken Scholars programs. They have connected me with a variety of friends across the globe.

Lamarr Smith works with a student in 2006 at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary in Los Angeles
How has the work of MFF impacted your life?
I was single renting an apartment. I am now a homeowner along with my wife Jennifer. We have two beautiful kids (Theao and Taylor). We also have six grandchildren. I’m still friends with my high school classmate who introduced me to this amazing, generous, beautiful family. Joni [Milken-Noah] is more than a boss; she’s an unbelievable human, along with Ferne, Mike and Lowell.
What is your greatest wish for the Milken Family Foundation’s advancement into the future?
My greatest wish for the Milken Family Foundation is to keep the American Dream alive. To continue to teach and educate along with their medical research. To continue their gift of giving, nurturing and discovering solutions so everyone can have access to a livable and affordable life.