2023-24 Milken Educators
Photo 26 of 69
Jacob Ball (KY '23)
Teacher, Carter G. Woodson Academy | Lexington, KY
Jacob Ball’s passion for agriculture began as a boy growing up on his family’s farm in Culvertown. In high school, he took agriculture courses and participated in the Future Farmers of America. Today, Ball opens up the world of agricultural careers to students of color at Carter G. Woodson Academy in Lexington. He received a Milken Educator Award on October 27, 2024.
Projects include an Agriculture Wall of Fame highlighting the contributions of Hispanic and African American farmers across the U.S; student-created agritourism facilities using Minecraft; and a hydroponic farm to grow and sell lettuce. Ball started a Junior MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences) chapter in partnership with the University of Kentucky and established the school’s FFA group. Last year, his students participated in 140 agriculture projects across the state and boasted 3,000 hours of real-world experience.
Ball is National Board Certified. He earned a Bachelor of Science in agricultural education (2011) and an education specialist degree in administration (2018) from the University of Kentucky; and a Master of Arts in education from the University of the Cumberlands (2015).
All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.
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