2023-24 Milken Educators
Photo 54 of 69
Ryan Gilbert (OH '23)
Teacher, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center | Bellefontaine, OH
In Bellefontaine, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center 11th and 12th grade students look forward to gathering around a "fire" drawn on the whiteboard for English language arts teacher Ryan Gilbert’s Honors English unit. Gilbert received a Milken Educator Award for his creative instruction on November 30, 2023.
While Gilbert plays the harp, students dissect the symbolism in "Beowulf" while eating food from that time. Every day in Gilbert’s class highlights different skills like argumentative or creative writing, short story workshops, TED Talks, and "20% Time," or "Genius Hour," where students choose what they study, researching and presenting on their respective subjects. Gilbert is the lead English instructor, cybersecurity instructor and advisor to the National Technical Honor Society and drama club. Additionally, Gilbert is involved in the local professional development and honored educator committees, serves as the lead teacher for Ohio Hi-Point’s networking professional development at Sentinel Career Center, and assists colleagues as a Resident Educator Program mentor.
Gilbert earned a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in 2008 from the University of Toledo as well as a Master of Arts from Ohio University in 2016.
All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.
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